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  How to Prune a Rose

The instructions found just below apply to hybrid tea roses. Scroll further below to see instructions for pruning low maintenance shrub roses such 'Knock Out', 'Carefree Sunshine', and 'Home Run'.

After we have had a few hard freezes (28 degrees or so), cut back long canes that extend beyond the rest of the bush to make the plant even, then tying around the remaining canes with twine to hold the plant gently together. (Do not cut the bush back completely at this time. Late February or early March is the best time to do the heavy pruning. Clean the ground of all leaves and cover the bud union with Claycutter Soil Ammendemnt, or mulch, to help it through the winter. When the plant goes dormant, usually around mid-December, spray your roses with a dormant rose spray such as Volck Oil and Lime Sulfur dormant disease spray. It should be sprayed on the ground under and around the rose bush as well. A second spray of Volck Oil and Lime Sulfur in late January or early February can be of great benefit in controlling such insects as scale, and some of the fungi that plague roses. Then, in early spring, when the new growth begins to emerge, it is time to prune your roses. The first step in pruning any type of rose is to remove any dead, damaged, diseased, or weak and thin canes, cutting them off flush with the bud union. Remove any canes that are growing into the middle of the bush or are crossing one another. Always prune to an out-ward facing bud so that canes do not grow into the center of the plant. The ideal angle is 45-degrees, slanted parallel to the direction of the bud growth. Below are instructions for pruning hybrid tea roses.

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Pruning Hybrid Tea Roses During the Bloom Season

During the bloom season it is only necessary to prune away faded or finished blooms. Simply trace from the spent bloom down the stem until you come to the first five-leaf branch. Once you have located the first five leaf branch make your cut about a half inch or so above the bud that is nestled at the base of the five-leaf branch as shown in the diagram below. Do not cut too close to the bud or at too sharp of an angle.




Mulch is a layer of natural material that is placed atop the soil to blanket the root sytems from the cold temperatures during the winter months. It can be pine needles, wheat straw, or wood mulch. Applying mulch also helps to keep the ground moist and weeds to a minimum.


Pruning Landscape Shrub Roses such as the 'Knock Out' Rose

We prune these roses in February. Pruning is simple. Just cut the bush back by about 2/3 of its size (usually about 15 to 18" in height above the ground). When new growth begins to emerge in March fertilize with a good rose fertilzer such as Fertilome Rose Food or Milorganite.

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